Conferencia en la Academia de las Ciencias y las Artes Militares

El pasado 1 de febrero nuestro compañero Octavio Nieto-Taladriz impartió la conferencia en la Academia de las Ciencias y las Artes Militares (ACAMI) titulada “Prueba de concepto: Munición cooperativa, aspectos tecnológicos”.

Breve extracto:

Una de las principales labores de la Universidad es la de generar nuevas ideas y conceptos y en el caso específico de las tecnológicas, como la del conferenciante, ver cómo llegar a prototipos o productos mínimos viables (MVP). En este caso se presentará como idea la creación de una “red social” de munición autónoma en la que sus elementos colaboren para lograr uno o varios objetivos comunes.

Para ello se partirá de dispositivos de munición básica convencional y sobre ella se incorporarán elementos que permiten la creación de un modelo de “red social”, todo ello bajo un punto de vista tecnológico y de industrialización. La parte de estrategias de colaboración, doctrina, ética y legalidad quedarán para un futuro evento de la ACAMI.

La grabación de la misma está disponible en el siguiente link:

TFM: Design and implementation of a gateway node based on LTE mobile communications for a Wireless Sensor Network

Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN) research has recently become a key element in the Internet of Things (IoT) concept. These networks use autonomous devices, also known as nodes, whose purpose is to gather information from the environment and transmit it on the internet. We may classify these nodes into two categories: sensor nodes, which extract information from diverse environment parameters; and gateway nodes that transmit this information outside the network.

The main goal of this thesis is the development of a gateway node based in fourth generation mobile communications (4G). This gateway node has been developed both at hardware and software level and should be integrated in a wireless sensor network at future stages.

The hardware for this project is based in a previous design of a modular PCB developed at the B105 Electronic Systems Lab. Some modifications have been introduced in the original design in the power supply, RF and voltage shifter blocks in order to complete a functional prototype. The software architecture has been completely designed and implemented from the very beginning based on YetiOS – an embedded OS developed at the B105 Lab – including a specific API for the module and diverse connectivity functionalities such as call features and TCP/IP communication establishment.

Each hardware and software module has been tested separately and also operation of the whole node. In addition, system performance was evaluated measuring three parameters: consumption, latency and throughput, which are critical in the deployment of a practical application for the node.

The obtained results are discussed at the end of the document, comparing them to the original objectives and finally some working lines are proposed to continue with the node development.

Poster about Methodology for implementation of Synchronization Strategies for Wireless Sensor Networks

On the occasion of the II edition of the Symposium “Tell us your thesis” organized by the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid I created a poster summary of my thesis.

Both the thesis and the poster are entitled “Methodology for implementation of Synchronization Strategies for Wireless Sensor Networks“.

In the poster I intend to explain the process that every researcher and/or developer must carry out to add synchronization tasks to his Wireless Sensor Network.

180216 Methodology for implementation of Synchronizatoin WSN
Methodology for implementation of Synchronizatoin WSN

First of all it is needed to know what is the objective of the user application in which we want to add temporary synchronization.

Based on the application we will have some requirements to fulfill. That is, each application will have different requirements regarding timing, maximum permissible error regarding temporal precision or accuracy, network topology, message distribution method, battery consumption and life time objectives, hardware resources of different nature and different price, etc.

Since there are many options and possible ways, a methodology is needed that helps the researcher and/or developer to obtain a solution, in order to achieve a time synchronization in their wireless sensor networks, which is adapted to the needs of the application.

The development of this methodology is the objective of this doctoral thesis.

Download the poster with full resolution [PDF 18 MB]

LÁZARO: Development of an innovative ICT system for the detection of architectural barriers and monitoring based on augmented reality


LÁZARO is a project carried out alongside Valoriza Servicios a la Dependencia S.L.U., with the objective of developing a system to automatically detect architectural barriers making use of computer vision and augmented reality. It will integrate the detection provided by sensors and images and the display of an augmented reality layer, together with a warning and checking system for the barriers.

In addition to the first objective, the project pursues another important goal, the development of a wireless sensor network to monitor the living conditions of people with special needs, such as elderly or disabled people. Therefore, the system will result in an integral solution for assisted living facilities and residences, although it can be applied to several other environments.


The project details are as follows:

Title: LÁZARO: Development of an innovative ICT system for the detection of architectural barriers and monitoring based on augmented reality
Duration: 2016-2017
Partners: Valoriza Servicios a la Dependencia S.L.U. and Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
Financing entity: Valoriza Servicios a la Dependencia S.L.U. via CDTI.

Logo CDTI-MINECO con Gill Sans

A WSN-Based Intrusion Alarm System to Improve Safety in Road Work Zones

Title: A WSN-Based Intrusion Alarm System to Improve Safety in Road Work Zones
Authors: Jose Martin, Alba Rozas, and Alvaro Araujo
Published in: Journal of Sensors
Date of Publication: Jun 2016
Digital Object Identifier : 10.1155/2016/7048141

Road traffic accidents are one of the main causes of death and disability worldwide. Workers responsible for maintaining and repairing roadways are especially prone to suffer these events, given their exceptional exposure to traffic. Since these actuations usually coexist with regular traffic, an errant driver can easily intrude the work area and provoke a collision. Some authors have proposed mechanisms aimed at detecting breaches in the work zone perimeter and alerting workers, which are collectively called intrusion alarm systems. However, they have several limitations and have not yet fulfilled the necessities of these scenarios. In this paper, we propose a new intrusion alarm system based on a Wireless Sensor Network (WSN). Our system is comprised of two main elements: vehicle detectors that form a virtual barrier and detect perimeter breaches by means of an ultrasonic beam and individual warning devices that transmit alerts to the workers. All these elements have a wireless communication interface and form a network that covers the whole work area. This network is in charge of transmitting and routing the alarms and coordinates the behavior of the system. We have tested our solution under real conditions with satisfactory results.