poster_b105_webThe B105 Electronic Systems Lab is part of the Electronic Engineering Department at UPM, and focuses on Embedded System design, Wireless Sensor Networks and Cognitive Networks. The main research lines within the B105 activities include, but are not restricted to, the following topics:
Exploration of synergies between hardware and software components to exploit design trade-offs (performance, security, power) in Embedded Systems.
System-level design, energy management, cognitive radio, cross-layer optimization, communications protocols, and context-aware design approaches for Wireless Sensor Networks.
Integrated System Design for specific environments, services and applications (sensor, communications, processing, and interface).
Our main skills are concept proofs and simulations (behavior or the network), programming of microcontrollers, transceivers and cognitive devices, design of hardware devices (low power consumption and security), design of communication protocols, integration of sensor and actuators, and different kind of applications (e-health, critical infrastructures, fire extinction, etc.).

Research @ B105

The research in the B105 is focused in three areas: embedded systems,  wireless sensor networks and cognitive radio. These three technologies are applied to a large amount of final scenarios or applications. 

Teaching @ B105

The teaching objective of B105 is to offer comprehensive undergraduate and graduate education programs in electronic systems, embedded systems design for the latest technology nodes, especially with a practical industrial and professional application perspective.

Projects @ B105

The B105 lab participates in a lot of different R&D projects with our several partners. They are mainly focused on our areas of expertise, i.e. embedded systems and wireless sensor networks, although they often feature some supplementary fields such as radar technology or app development.



Are you an undergraduate student? Do you want to collaborate in our research lab?
B105 is a good opportunity to:

  • Know the depths of a Research Group.
  • Learn through the practice.
  • Apply your knowledge to real problems.
  • Work in cutting-edge research projects.

We only need you to:

  • Like to learn.
  • Like to work in group.
  • Enjoy to face challenges.
  • Be motivated.
  • And… like to play FUTBOLÍN!!!


Av. Complutense 30, 28040 Madrid. Tlfn. 91 336 73 22