The teaching objective of B105 is to offer comprehensive undergraduate and graduate education programs in electronic systems, embedded systems design for the latest technology nodes, especially with a practical industrial and professional application perspective.
Our teaching philosophy is summarize in these words:
“You only remember what you feel”, David Brierley
“Research to learn, learn to teach, teach to push society forward”, B105
All the teaching activities of B105 are performed in Electronic Systems Department in the E.T.S.I de Telecomunicación at Universidad Politécnica de Madrid. B105 teaches the course of Digital Electronic, Digital Systems II, Introduction to Intelligent Enviroments, Creativity and Innovation, Electronic Systems Engineering, User Equipment and Terminals, and Advanced Microprocessor Systems.
Also, B105 is part of the Master of Science in Electronics Systems Engineering of at UPM, where B105 members teach different aspects related to the design of embedded systems.
Finally, B105 is member of the PhD Programs of Electronic Systems Engineering, where B105 members developt their PhD Thesis. Also, specialized seminars are offered to the most important companies.
Always learning, always teaching…