Congreso IWCMC 2015 en Dubrovnik

Los miembros del B105 Alvaro Araujo y Alba Rozas han asistido a la International Wireless Comunications and Mobile Computing Conference 2015 que ha tenido lugar del 24 al 28 de agosto en Dubrovnik, Croacia. El lema de la edición de este año ha sido Communications for the 21st Century, y las charlas se han centrado en las redes inalámbricas, comunicaciones wireless y computación móvil.

Alvaro ha desempeñado el papel de chair en varias sesiones, mientras que Alba ha presentado su artículo titulado Controlling the Degradation of Wireless Sensor Networks que había sido aceptado previamente. El congreso ha servido para conocer trabajos interesantes de muchas universidades del mundo así como para recibir realimentación sobre la investigación que realizamos en el grupo.

Además, hemos podido establecer contacto con varios investigadores extranjeros de nuestro campo. De hecho, los profesores Hacène Fouchal y Milena Radenkovic, de las universidades de Reims en Francia y de Nottingham en Reino Unido respectivamente, han sido invitados como informantes y miembros del tribunal en las tesis de Elena Romero y Javier Blesa, cuya lectura está prevista para el próximo mes de octubre.

Paper aceptado en el IOMAC’15 – Gijón

Las conferencias IOMAC’15 se celebrarán en Gijon, España, del 10 al 14 de Mayo de 2015.


Estas ‘International Operational Modal Analysis Conference (IOMAC)‘, que nacieron en 2005, son las primeras conferencias que tienen como principal asunto el análisis modal operacional.

El paper que hemos presentado y que ha sido aceptado lleva por título:

Effects of time synchronization on Operational Modal Analysis”

y cuyos autores han sido: Jaime García-Palacios, Francisco Tirado-Andrés, Jose M. Soria, Ivan M. Diaz y Alvaro Araujo.


Anteriores ediciones del IOMAC se celebraron en:

  • 2005 Copenhagen (Denmark)
  • 2007 Copenhagen (Denmark)
  • 2009 Portonovo (Italy)
  • 2011 Istambul (Turkey)
  • 2013 Guimarães (Portugal)

Foto | Francisco Rodríguez

Cognitive Test-bed for Wireless Sensor Networks

Title: Cognitive Test-bed for Wireless Sensor Networks
Authors: Elena Romero, Javier Blesa, Agustín Tena, Guillermo Jara, Juan Domingo and Alvaro Araujo
Published in: IEEE DySPAN 2014
Date of Publication: March 2014

dyspanCognitive Wireless Sensor Networks are an emerging technology with a vast potential to avoid traditional wireless problems such as reliability, interferences and spectrum scarcity in Wireless Sensor Networks.

Cognitive Wireless Sensor Networks test-beds are an important tool for future developments,protocol strategy testing and algorithm optimization in real scenarios. A new cognitive test-bed for Cognitive Wireless Sensor Networks is presented in this paper. This work in progress includes the design of both a cognitive simulator for networks with high number of nodes and the implementation of a new platform with three wireless interfaces and a cognitive software for extracting real data.

Finally, as a future work, a remote programmable system and the planning for the physical deployment of the nodes at the university building is presented.

Cognitive Wireless Sensor Network Platform for Cooperative Communications

Title: Cognitive Wireless Sensor Network Platform for Cooperative Communications
Authors: Agustín Tena, Guillermo Jara, Juan Domingo, Elena Romero, Alvaro Araujo
Published in: International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks
Date of Publication: January 2014
Digital Object Identifier : 10.1155/2014/473905

Nowadays, Wireless Ad-Hoc Sensor Networks (WAHSNs), specially limited in energy and resources, are subject to development constraints and difficulties such as the increasing Radio Frequency (RF) spectrum saturation at the unlicensed bands. Cognitive Wireless Sensor Networks (CWSNs), leaning on a cooperative communication model, develop new strategies to mitigate the inefficient use of the spectrum that WAHSNs face. However, few and poorly featured platforms allow their study due to their early research stage.

This paper presents a versatile platform that brings together cognitive properties into WAHSNs. It combines hardware and software modules as an entire instrument to investigate CWSNs. The hardware fits WAHSN requirements in terms of size, cost, features, and energy. It allows communication over three different RF bands, becoming the first cognitive platform for WAHSNs with this capability. In addition, its modular and scalable design is widely adaptable to almost any WAHSN application.

Significant features such as Radio Interface (RI) agility or energy consumption have been proved throughout different performance tests.

