PhD Student
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Room: B-104
Phone: +34910672242 – ext 72242
PhD Thesis: Strategies to maximize the lifetime of wireless sensor networks with a cross-layer approach
Alba Rozas achieved the titles of Telecommunication Engineer (Ingeniera de Telecomunicación) and M. Sc. in Electronic Systems Engineering from the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Madrid, Spain, in 2011 and 2013 respectively. She carries out research activities in the Electronic Engineering Department at the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, where she is currently working toward a Ph.D degree. Her research areas include the development of embedded systems, wireless sensor networks and cognitive radio.
A WSN-Based Intrusion Alarm System to Improve Safety in Road Work Zones
PUE Attack Detection in CWSN Using Collaboration and Learning Behavior
PUE attack detection in CWSNs using anomaly detection techniques
LEDmyBike: Visibilidad y seguridad para ciclistas