TFG: Design and Implementation of an NBIoT Communication System

The development of IoT product has generated multiple needs in the field of information and communication technologies. Among them, the challenge of creating technological products capable of functioning independently of the power grid arises, leading to a line of development in telecommunications that, instead of maximizing the transmission capabilities of a system, seeks to minimize its power consumption.

This TFG is developed within the ESTAR project, an autonomous IoT product meant for monitoring multiple environments. More specifically, it focuses on ESTAR_COMMS, the module which will be in charge of connecting the device to an external server.

In order to provide wireless communications with the lowest energy cost, an analysis of different components is given, concluding with the SARA-R510S-01B. The SARA has access to NBIoT radio technology from the LPWANs that allows for low speed, low payload, sporadic and Ultra-Low-Power transmissions.

In the thesis, the following results are presented:

  • A functional communication design and PCB prototype that uses the SARA-R510S-01B module, with an analysis of all design stages.
  • A first approach to the software design, in addition to a summary of the main AT commands that will be used to control the SARA.
  • The first energy consumption tests with the KeysightB2901A.

TFG: Design and implementation of a geolocation tag for 5G communications

With the rise of automation in industry and the great development of AI and IoT comes
Industry 5.0, in which the emphasis is on collaboration between machines and humans
to improve productivity and efficiency.

With the arrival of industry 5.0 comes the need to develop new devices that can meet their needs. The HUMAIN project, on which this work is based, was born from this need.

This TFG has consisted of the research and design of a geolocation tag for industry 5.0, for which the following phases have been carried out:

First, the bases of IoT, industry 5.0 and 5G have been investigated, achieving a better understanding of the project to be carried out. Then, design decisions have been established following the concepts obtained in the research and the product specifications, and an investigation of the components available on the market has been carried out taking into account these decisions.

From this, the components have been chosen and the schematic design and layout of the board has been carried out, and, finally, the soldering of the board has been made, reaching a first prototype.

Mesa redonda en la Academia de las Ciencias y las Artes Militares – “Transformación Digital: Mitos y Realidades”

El pasado 27 de octubre nuestro compañero Octavio Nieto-Taladriz participó como ponente en la Mesa Redonda organizada por la Academia de las Ciencias y las Artes Militares (ACAMI) titulada “Transformación Digital: Mitos y Realidades”.

Breve extracto:

En esta jornada se presentó una visión horizontal sobre lo que supone la transformación digital desde tres puntos de vista: el académico, el militar y el industrial. Para ello contaremos con el Prof. Dr. (Universidad Politécnica de Madrid) Octavio Nieto-Taladriz García, académico correspondiente, el coronel José Luis Carbonell Navarro, del Estado Mayor del Ejército y Moisés Rodriguez Martín, director de Centum Solutions. Asimismo, y como introductor y expresando el punto de vista de la Academia de las Ciencias y las Artes Militares participará José Carlos de la Fuente Chacón, general de división (R) y académico de número.

La grabación de la misma está disponible en el siguiente link:

TFM: Development of an electronic system on smart garments to aid in the diagnosis of neurodegenerative diseases

TFM: Development of an electronic system on smart garments to aid in the diagnosis of neurodegenerative diseases

Parkinson’s disease is a neurodegenerative disorder that affects the nervous system, which mainly causes motor disorders. It affects more than 160,000 people in Spain. In addition, it is expected that due to the growing aging of the population it will become the most common serious disease by the year 2040.
One of the main problems faced in this disease is the delay in its diagnosis. In addition, it is important to ensure that patients’ symptoms are properly monitored in order to correctly adjust their medication.
Over the past few years, the use of wearable devices to monitor patients outside of the hospital environment has increased. Among these devices, those that use sensorized clothing, so that the sensors are integrated into the tissues, are gaining popularity and have great potential. Although these are still at an early stage of development.

In this context begins this Master’s Thesis, which is part of the research line of the B105 Electronic Systems Lab for the development of wearable devices. The main objective of the project is to design and implement an electronic system to control a set of intelligent clothes for the monitoring of different parameters, which can be connected to other wearable devices in the future.

For this purpose, a study of the symptoms of Parkinson’s disease and how it is possible to monitor them have been carried out. We have also analysed which studies have been conducted in recent years using textile sensor to diagnose or monitor this pathology. Subsequently, it has been searched which intelligent garments are being commercialized in the market. And finally, it has been established which requirements are intended to be fulfilled by the design that is going to be carried out.

Due to the initial work done, the design of the system to be implemented has been carried out.

It consists of a pair of socks and a harness, which communicate through Bluetooth with a mobile phone application.

The socks incorporate 3 textile resistors in the sole of the foot, and an IMU in the ankle to monitor the patient’s gait. While the harness makes use of 3 textile electrodes, whose outputs are filtered by a circuit to obtain the ECG. It also incorporates an IMU in the central part of the chest, to monitor the user’s posture. In addition, both garments make use of a PCB in which they operate the control part and the power supply.

In the software development of the project, FreeRTOS has been used together with a state machine to control the measurements of the sensors of the garments and send the measured values via bluetooth to a mobile application.

In the hardware development, the design and implementation of the PCBs has been carried out.

Finally, we have started to perform unit tests on the development carried out, for the hardware as well as for the software, which should be finalized to verify the complete performance of the developed system.

Transformación digital en la enseñanza de las Fuerzas Armadas. Un caso práctico

Los autores de este ensayo, expertos y profesionales del mundo de la enseñanza y de la tecnología, tanto en los ámbitos civil y militar, realizan una aproximación práctica de la implantación de nuevas tecnologías y metodologías en el desarrollo de procesos formativos. Al sumar conocimientos de ambas áreas, el producto resultante es un trabajo funcional para afrontar los cambios exigibles por el mundo actual en general, y en la esfera militar en particular.

El fondo de la cuestión es poner de manifiesto la necesidad de afrontar y acometer procesos de revisión de las áreas formativas gracias a la mejora que se obtiene de las nuevas tecnologías y nuevas sistemáticas. La educación es un área clave en la revolución digital, y es la enseñanza candidata a evolucionar para hacerse útil, directa, personal y eficaz.

El trabajo es un recorrido global, en el que en el primer capítulo se plantea un diferente contexto para la formación, realzando el momento de cambio social, y donde se remarcan los cinco pilares sobre los que se sustenta la nueva forma de enseñar: deslocalización, atemporalidad, personalización, bidireccionalidad y calidad continua. El segundo capítulo, afronta un recorrido por las metodologías de enseñanza, señalando las características de cada una y sus momentos de aplicación más oportunos. El tercero, aborda el estudio de una serie de herramientas y tecnologías que actualmente pueden utilizarse en el sector de la enseñanza y su adecuación a las metodologías formativas resaltadas en el apartado anterior, para finalmente, en el último y cuarto capítulo, desarrollar el caso práctico de implementación de sistemáticas y herramientas en una asignatura concreta del Curso de Estado Mayor del Fuerzas Armadas (CEMFAS).

Nuestro compañero Octavio Nieto-Taladriz García ha sido el Presidente del grupo de trabajo que ha realizado este ensayo y cuyos datos son los siguientes:

  • ISBN:  978-84-9091-612-4
  • NIPO:  083-21-249-0
  • Fecha de publicación:  24/3/2022
  • Año de edición:  2021
  • Autor:  Centro Superior de Estudios de la Defensa
  • Editor:  Ministerio de Defensa. Secretaría General Técnica.
  • Número de páginas:  106

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