A Wireless Sensor Network or WSN is a set of stand-alone devices that communicate with each other wirelessly. These networks consist of devices with low resources and wireless connectivity and are able to monitor different parameters.
Wireless sensor networks are intended for a multitude of environments, whether at an environmental (temperature, humidity), industrial or private (home automation, remote control) level.
The main objective of this project is to locate by means of a WSN to the members of laboratory. This information will be captured through small wireless devices made during this project. This information will be valuable both to know the availability and presence of the members of the laboratory and to optimize other systems such as lighting, air conditioning or common workstations.
The B105 Electronic Systems Lab has an intelligent environment that monitors different environmental aspects such as temperature, luminosity, humidity, etc. In this project it is proposed to develop the hardware and software necessary to detect the position of the members of the laboratory. In this way, each person will carry a device that sends the necessary information to the nodes of the network to position that person. Considerations such as low consumption, communications and data processing will be taken into account. The designed device is shown in the following image.