TFM: Development of a wearable device for monitoring therapy animals

Animals have long been part of the human experience, serving multiple purposes throughout history, from food to companionship. In recent years, the therapeutic potential that offers the use of animals to help people overcome illness and/or mental disorders has been increasingly recognized, leading to more healthcare facilities providing Animal-Assisted-Interventions (AAIs) to their patients.

The steadily increasing popularity of AAIs programs is supported by the fact that they deliver health benefits to the patients. A growing literature gathers testimonials of veterinarians, psychologists and other pet-therapy enthusiasts about the effectiveness of AAIs programs for humans. In contrast, very few researchers have focused on the possible ill effects that AAIs programs have on the animals themselves.

Nowadays, the present lines of research that are trying to determine both positive and negative effects on the physical and mental well-being of the animals involved in AAIs are divided in two groups:

  • Non-invasive methodologies based on the interpretation of the body language of the animals. For instance, a dog’s wagging tail may mean different things depending on the speed of the wag, and whether the full tail or just the tip is wagging. Besides, dogs also use a range of what the renowned dog trainer Turid Rugaas refers to as
    “calming signals” that they use to defuse stressful situations. For example, a dog may lick her nose, sniff the ground, yawn, turn away, or stare in response to a stressful situation. The main drawback of these methodologies is the subjectivity of the observer.
  • Invasive methodologies based on medical procedures such as blood extractions, faces analysis or saliva analysis in order to measure certain hormones levels that could have correlation with the stress that could be suffering the animals during the AAIs. Despite of the fact of the objectivity of the results, due to the nature of these procedures, these interventions by themselves could provoke stress in the animals.

Thus, the aim of this Master’s Thesis is to design and develop an electronic wearable device to collect physiological and behavioral variables in dogs participating in the AAIs in order to extract stress patterns in different scenarios and therefore determine objectively the effects of the AAIs in the animal welfare. The data gathered will be analyzed by ethologists than can
evaluate what is happening in the process of interaction of the therapy dog with the rest of the actors. This way, conclusions related to the dog state in the different stages of therapy could be obtained, allowing the modification of the routines to increase the dog’s quality of life.

It is worth mentioning that this project is being carried out in collaboration with the Escuela Técnica de Ingenieros de Telecomunicación and the animals and society chair at the Universidad Rey Juan Carlos, which will be in charge of the visualization and interpretation, respectively, of the data acquired by the system to be developed in this Master’s Thesis.

To achieve this goal, this Master’s Thesis has focused on the development of the electronic wearable device that will monitor the therapy dog. This development has covered both the design and hardware implementation of the three printed circuit boards that make up the device, as well as the software implementation of the drivers needed to control each sensor individually in addition to the application architecture at the user level.

Both software implementations are based on two existing design patterns that provide modularity to the system in order to incorporate new sensors to the device. Finally, in order to validate the design and implementation
phases at hardware and software level, functional tests of the system have been carried out which have allowed conclusions to be drawn on the development of this project as well as to propose future lines to improve its current state.

TFM: Design and implementation of a hospital automation and signaling system

The work has been carried out within the R&D area of ACE Business Group. The project has been started from scratch, being the only development engineer involved.

In hospitals and nursing homes there is a need to use a healthcare system that allows an effective communication between the patient and the nurses and also with visiting doctors and same day doctors, in addition to monitoring possible events that allow immediate actions in order to save the patient’s life at the right time. At emergency cases, they can also use a reliable user management software to effectively manage the user life cycle.

The project proposes the design of a complete solution that allows integrating a low-cost peripherals network in a modular and user-configurable way. The design focuses on a centralized architecture with a gateway capable of automating the behavior of sensors and actuators in its environment, with a wired or wireless connection. In addition to automation, the user receives notifications of each of the events, allowing real-time monitoring of the rooms.

During the project, two electronic systems, a central node, and an assistance push-button mechanism have been designed, with the aim of integrating a generic assistance call system and a scalable communications protocol to a future more complex sensors and actuators network. The development deals with both the hardware and the software necessary for its implementation, as well as a set of tests to validate its operation for future commercialization.

The gateway acts as a hub for nodes within the rooms, with BLE, Wifi, Ethernet, RS485 interfaces and GPIO ports. The design is done in a modular and scalable way over FreeRTOS Operating System.

The push button is designed with 3 different configurations on the same PCB: wired, wireless, or by direct digital I/O. It is oriented to an ultra low consumption design with the ability to last for several years over BLE.

PhD Thesis: Methodology for implementation of Synchronization Strategies for Wireless Sensor Networks

On July 16, 2020, our colleague Francisco Tirado-Andrés read and defended his PhD Thesis entitled “Methodology for implementation of Synchronization Strategies for Wireless Sensor Networks” under the direction of Dr. Alvaro Araujo Pinto.

This work was defended in an unusual way. Half of the tribunal was in person, but the other half of the tribunal was evaluating it via video conference. Even with this new form of presentation, the Thesis work was valued very positively by the entire tribunal, giving it the highest score: outstanding.
In addition, the entire tribunal issued a confidential and secret vote, which unanimously allowed the work to be awarded the mention of “cum laude”.

We leave you some links where you can find more information about this PhD:

List of publications:

  • F. Tirado-Andrés, A. Rozas, and A. Araujo, “A Methodology for Choosing Time Synchronization Strategies for Wireless IoT Networks,” Sensors, vol. 19, iss. 16, 2019
  • F. Tirado-Andrés and A. Araujo, “Performance of clock sources and their influence on time synchronization in wireless sensor networks,” International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks, vol. 15, iss. 9, 2019.
  • J. H. García-Palacios, I. M. Díaz, J. C. Mosquera, J. M. Soria, and F. Tirado-Andres, “Learning dynamic analysis of structures using handy and affordable equipment. On the way of smart structures,” in IV International Conference on Structural Engineering. Education Without Borders, 2018, pp. 134-142.
  • R. Rodriguez-Zurrunero, F. Tirado-Andres, and A. Araujo, “YetiOS: an Adaptive Operating System for Wireless Sensor Networks,” in 2018 IEEE 43rd Conference on Local Computer Networks Workshops (LCN Workshops), 2018, pp. 16-22.
  • J. García-Palacios, J. M. Soria, I. M. Díaz, and F. Tirado-Andres, “Modal tracking with only a few of sensors: application to a residential building,” in 8th European Workshop On Structural Health Monitoring (EWSHM 2016), 2016.
  • J. García-Palacios, J. M. Soria, I. M. Díaz, and F. Tirado-Andres, “Ambient modal testing of a double-arch dam: the experimental campaign and model updating,” in 13th International Conference on Motion and Vibration Control (MoViC 2016), 2016.
  • J. García-Palacios, F. Tirado-Andres, J. M. Soria, I. M. Díaz, and A. Araujo, “Effects of time synchronization on operational modal analysis,” in 6th International Operational Modal Analysis Conference (IOMAC 2015), 2015.
  • A. Araujo, J. García-Palacios, J. Blesa, F. Tirado, E. Romero, A. Samartín, and O. Nieto-Taladriz, “Wireless Measurement System for Structural Health Monitoring With High Time-Synchronization Accuracy,” IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, vol. 61, iss. 3, pp. 801-810, 2012.
  • A. Araujo, F. Tirado-Andres, J. García-Palacios, and J. Blesa, “High precision structural health monitoring system using wireless sensor networks,” in 3rd International Symposium on Life-Cycle Civil Engineering (IALCCE 2012), 2012, p. 1093–1101.
  • J. García-Palacios, A. Samartín, R. Ortega, F. Tirado-Andres, A. Araujo, O. Nieto-Taladriz, J. Blesa, E. Romero, E. Reynders, G. D. Roeck, L. He, and F. Percivale, “Some advances in extensive bridge monitoring using low cost dynamic characterization,” in International Conference on Experimental Vibration Analysis for Civil Engineering Structures (EVACES 2011), 2011, pp. 417-424.

TFG: Design and development of synchronization protocols for wireless EMG devices

Clock Synchronization

Electromyography is the technique used to check the health of muscles and the nerve cells that control them. Muscle data is normally collected through non-intrusive surface electrodes, which are placed on the skin. One of the problems that this technique has traditionally presented is the number of wires that are needed to connect the electrodes to the device that processes the information.

In the B105 Electronic Systems Lab there is a line of research focused on the development of a platform that removes these wires. The proposed solution is a platform with wireless sensors that allows the collection of EMG data.
The design and development of the synchronization and data transfer protocols are essential and will be covered in this project. This work is a fundamental piece along with the detection of EMG signals, the encapsulation of the device and the representation of the data to create a final wireless EMG product.

In this project the objective is to design and develop at least one synchronization protocol and one data transfer protocol that allow the specific activities of an EMG platform to be carried out. A previous study of the EMG technique, as well as the available hardware and software have been conducted. Subsequently, two synchronization protocols and one data transfer protocol have been designed and implemented.

Finally, tests have been carried out to evaluate the operation of the protocols, verifying that they work properly.

TFM: Design and implementation of a neuromuscular stimulator based on electromagnetic induction

In recent years, the development of medical devices has become a key element in order to face the research of new treatments and diagnosis of different diseases. Mental illness can also be calculated When people has signs of nursing home abuse with the advancement of medical science. These devices are designed to reduce the negative effects of some pathologies in which traditional pharmacologic treatments are not effective. An example of these pathologies are those that are produced due to a nervous system deterioration. Dysfunction of the human nervous system can be caused by situations such as a stroke or an accident in which the spinal cord is injured. Injuries are inevitable especially when it is caused out of accident. In such cases you can also consult personal injury lawyers practicing in Las Vegas .This deterioration can lead to signal transmission disorders to the muscles, which are responsible for the movement of the body, and lead to muscle weakness or paralysis. The pathologies affecting the spinal cord, such as paraplegia, block communication between the central nervous system and the nerves, responsible for transmitting signals to the muscles. Therefore, these signals which are sent to the muscle from the brain can not be propagated, preventing the contraction and relaxation of muscles that give rise to movement. For all these reasons, different techniques of functional electrical stimulation (FES) have been developed and their use has been growing during these years. They are based on the concept of induction of the muscle contraction through the generation of electrical stimulus in the nerve. This technique produces skin damage and pain sensation. On the other hand, artificial stimulation by electromagnetic induction has been barely studied. Magnetic stimulation is based on the induction of a time-varying magnetic field that causes a current into the tissue and therefore, into the nerve. In this End of Master Project a prototype is designed to work on this less common technique.

Model of the generation and propagation of the signal that produces the muscle contraction.

This required a first stage of research on the state of the art in applying electromagnetic induction in neuromuscular stimulation techniques and understanding the main characteristics of the devices used in them. From this study, the advantages and disadvantages are established, and at the end, the characteristics to be considered in the design of the prototype. The prototype is based on a modular solution called modular multilevel converter, which allows to obtain the desired voltage and current to generate a time-varying magnetic field that induces the stimulating current in the nerve.

The device designed in this project is composed by a hardware part and by a software part. In the hardware part of this modular multilevel converter, the microtopology is established, based on the modules as a unit, and the macrotopology, based on the combination of the modules. The different modules and their components are implemented on a printed circuit board (PCB) that will serve as support and connection of the modules. The software part defines the control signals that allow each of the modules to define their working states, and therefore their contribution to the signal that generates the time-varying magnetic field. The designed software allows the modules to work in a synchronized relationship in the macrotopology of the system.

The results obtained on this project allows establishing some first conclusions about the use of modular multilvel converters focused on magnetic stimulation. The control signals of the modules are a great challenge for the implementation of a system composed of more modules than those presented in the prototype. In addition, the size of the system with a larger number of modules, necessary to cause an effective stimulation that leads to muscle contraction, must be considered in successive design iterations. This prototype establishes the first milestones towards the development of a platform that allows the magnetic stimulation of the motor nerves.