Becas cátedra bq

Dentro de las actividades de la cátedra bq se contempla el establecimiento de un programa de becas en áreas de interés para la empresa y que complementen el proceso formativo de los estudiantes.

Por lo tanto, se lanza esta convocatoria de becas para el presente curso académico.

Fecha de inicio de las becas: preferiblemente el 1 de Noviembre de 2013

Duración: 6 meses

Dedicación: 4 horas/día

Remuneración: 500 € / mes

Posibilidad de realizar el Proyecto Fin de Carrera, Trabajo Fin de Máster, Proyecto Fin de Grado y prácticas en empresas.


Interesados enviar un correo electrónico con el Curriculum Vitae indicando en el asunto [Becas cátedra bq] a las siguientes personas:


Silvia Rodríguez Jiménez:

Alvaro Araujo:

Convocatoria de Becas

PFC: Implementation of a Cognitive testbed for Wireless Sensor Networks


The objective of this project is the implementation of a testbed with wireless sensor nodes in order to test cognitive strategies. The testbed should be configurable, stable, controlled remotely, and easy to use. This testbed will be an impoprtant tool for future cognitive developments

Related Technologies

  • Cognitive Radio
  • Wireless Sensor Networks
  • Linux
  • C


  • State of the art study in cognitive testbeds
  • Adaptation of cognitive nodes for the testbed
  • Remote control of the nodes
  • Functionalities and GUI
  • Tests and results


  • Dedication: 4 hours/day.


Javier Blesa <>
Elena Romero <>


Not assigned

An Architecture’s Desing and Implementation for Communications Management in a Cognitive Wireless Sensor Network


The objective of this project is to design and develop a software architecture that will be able to implement cognitive strategies in nodes to conform a CWSN.

The main model this architecture follows is that one proposed in the Connectivity Brokerage (Jan Rabaey, Adam Wolisz, Ali Ozer Ercan, Alvaro Araujo, Fred Burghardt, Samah Mustafa, Arash Parsa, Sofie Pollin, I-Hsiang Wang, Pedro Malagon 2010) and is represented as follows:


In the figure above six modules are shown inside the CAgent (Cognitive Agent). Each of this modules play an specific role inside the Cognitive Module and the work of all of them makes possible the execution of the Cognitive Cycle as defined in Cognitive Networks (Ryan W. Thomas, Luiz A. DaSilva, Allen B. MacKenzie 2005) which exposes that: “A cognitive network has a cognitive process that can perceive current network conditions, and then plan, decide and act on those conditions. The network can learn from these adaptations and use them to make future decisions, all while taking into account end-to-end goals.”.

Related Technologies

  • Cognitive Radio
  • Wireless Sensor Networks
  • Hardware design
  • C programming


  • State of the art study in cognitive networks
  • Requirements definition
  • Architecture design
  • Hardware design
  • Software implementation
  • Tests and results


Alvaro Araujo <>


In progress

PFC: Study of wireless nodes as a final product

nodo encapsulado


The objective of this project is the study of electromagnetic radiation depending on the final location of the node (in a person, in noisy environments, etc), the electromagnetic compatibility with the environment, applicable law, etc. It will also be important to know the effects of the final case (the one that allows us to obtain a device resistant to the conditions of use) in radiation, range and reliability of the node, as well as possible changes in the behavior of the sensors and actuators in the device, etc.

Related Technologies

  • WSN
  • HW design
  • Wireless communications
  • Electromagnetic radiation
  • Mechanics


  • Study of the state of the art in electromagnetic radiations in Wireless Sensor Networks
  • Study of the behavior of nodes with their final case.
  • Requirements definition
  • Implementation of the nodes and functionality
  • Tests and results



  • Dedication: 4 hours/day.


Elena Romero <>

Elena Real <>


Not assigned

PFC: Design and implementation of a dynamic Wireless Sensor Network


The objective of this project is to design and to implement the functionality for different types of nodes that form a wireless network (coordinators, end devices, etc.) to be able to manage their spatial mobility without losing functionality. Nodes must be able to discover new nodes in the network and to dynamically associate to coordinators based on their location. Others parameters like optimal topology and routing network are also sought.

Related Technologies

  • WSN
  • Sw design
  • Wireless communications


  • Study of the state of the art in Wireless sensor networks
  • Requirements definition
  • Implementation of the nodes and functionality
  • Tests and results


  • Dedication: 4 hours/day.


Elena Real <>

Elena Romero <>


In progress