TFG: Design of a localization system based on 5G communications

The arrival of 5G New Radio (NR) networks has improved mobile telephony service conditions. These improvements have made it possible to enhance other uses of these networks, such as localization. The higher bandwidths and directivity of 5G communications allow measurements taken from base stations to be more accurate, resulting in better position estimates than in previous generations of cellular networks. This makes localization applications based on cellular networks gain relevance. In addition, they are more efficient in terms of energy consumption, which is an advantage over GNSS systems.
The objective of this Graduate Thesis is to analyze and implement a localization algorithm based on 5G networks. This algorithm works outdoors and calculates the position locally, so the equipment to be located uses the measurements received from the base stations without interacting with any other element of the network. Certain accuracy and execution time requirements have been established.
To accomplish the objective, a study of the outdoor localization methods based on cellular networks has been carried out in order to select the most accurate one among those reviewed.
Subsequently, the corresponding algorithm has been implemented in a microcontroller, to finally test its performance in different simulated scenarios.
At the hardware level, the STM32 NUCLEO-F767ZI microcontroller has been used.

At the software level, the STM32CubeIDE development environment and C programming language have been used. Since it has not been possible to experimentally obtain the measurements required for the algorithm to work, some Matlab scripts have been created to simulate both these measurements and the test scenarios.
After testing its performance in different scenarios, it can be concluded that the implemented algorithm meets the objectives set, both in terms of accuracy and time, and that it could therefore be interesting to carry out tests in a real scenario.

Beca Cátedra Securitas Direct – Verisure 2023-2024. Nueva beca!

Tenemos una nueva oferta de beca, orientada a la definición de producto.

Duración: 9 meses

Dedicación: 4 horas/día

Remuneración: 500 € / mes

Posibilidad de realizar el Trabajo Fin de Máster, Trabajo Fin de Grado y prácticas en empresas. El objetivo es empezar el 8 de Noviembre.

Interesad@s enviar un correo electrónico hasta el 3 de Noviembre con el Curriculum Vitae y la motivación, indicando en el asunto [Becas Cátedra Securitas] a la siguiente dirección:

Toda la información sobre la temática de la beca aquí:

Ofertas TFT curso 2023/2024

Volvemos fuertes desdel el principio. Lanzamos la oferta de TFTs para estudiantes que quieran empezar a realizar su trabajo desde ahora mismo.

Si te apetece hacer el Trabajo Fin de Grado o Trabajo Fin de Máster con nosotr@s aquí tienes nuestras ofertas:

Envíanos tus preferencias y motivaciones hasta el 17 de semptiembre de 2023. A continuación, asignaremos los trabajos y nos pondremos en contacto con vosotr@s para empezar a trabajar cuanto antes.

Os esperamos!

Becas Cátedra Securitas Direct – Verisure 2023-2024

Este curso estamos lanzados! Sacamos la convocatoria de becas antes de verano para que tengáis tiempo y os podáis organizar mejor.

Un curso más, dentro de las actividades de la Cátedra Securitas Direct – Verisure se contempla el establecimiento de un programa de becas en áreas de interés para la empresa y que complementen el proceso formativo de l@s estudiantes.

Por lo tanto, se lanza esta convocatoria de becas para el presente curso académico hasta completar las plazas.

Duración: 9 meses

Dedicación: 4 horas/día

Remuneración: 500 € / mes

Posibilidad de realizar el Trabajo Fin de Máster, Trabajo Fin de Grado y prácticas en empresas.

Interesad@s enviar un correo electrónico con el Curriculum Vitae y los temas de las becas a los que quiere optar indicando en el asunto [Becas Cátedra Securitas] a la siguiente dirección:

Toda la información sobre la temática de las becas aquí:

MyGait: Mejora de la calidad de vida de enfermos de Parkinson a través de plantillas inteligentes multisensores

According to Sociedad Española de Neurología (SEN), Parkinson’s disease prevalence and incidence is increasing and estimated that the number of people affected will double in 20 years and triple in 2050.

This project addresses a new research line that aims to use data generated from smart insoles to objectively support an early treatment of Parkinson disease (PD) and consequently improve the life quality of patients.

To achieve these common objectives the project is divided into two sub-projects with complementary objectives. In the first one (MyGait_Bio) the measurement systems to obtain BCG and IPG signals will be designed and the signal processing will be developed to reduce the influence of the movement artifacts and to be able to extract all the cardiovascular information from the patient. The system for recharging the batteries of the smart insole based on inductive methods will also be designed. This platform will combine inductive battery recharging with the reading of measurement data stored in the memory of the measurement system.

In the second sub-project (MyGait_Sensors) the aim is to develop intelligent insoles that will allow, by means of force and inertial sensors and advanced algorithms, to monitor the patient’s gait and provide personalised information on the patient’s evolution. This second project also aims to realize experimental tests with clinical supervision that will validate the technologic systems developed and obtain the maximum clinical information.

Title: MyGait: Mejora de la calidad de vida de enfermos de Parkinson a través de plantillas inteligentes multisensores
Duration: September 2021 – August 2024
Partners: ISI (UPC), HOWLAB (UZ) y B105 (UPM).
Financing entity: Proyectos de I+D+i Retos Investigación, Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (PID2020-116011RB-C22)