PFC: Implementation of an architecture for the development of cognitive features in smartphones

android cognitive radio

The objective of this project is the development of a cognitive module in smartphones. This module will implement cognitive features that becomes this terminals in nodes of a Cognitive Wireles Sensor Network. The smartphones are one of the best terminals in order to implement cognitive tasks such as spectrum sensing, collaboration and learning.

Related Technologies

  • Cognitive Radio
  • Wireless Sensor Networks
  • Linux
  • Java (Android)


  • State of the art study in Android terminals
  • Control over wireless interfaces
  • Cognitive architecture definition
  • Implementation of the modules and functionality
  • Tests and results


  • Dedication: 4 hours/day.


Javier Blesa <>


In progress

Thesis: Cognitive based strategies for security in Wireless Sensor Networks

cognitive radio security


Author: Javier Blesa Martínez

Advisor: Alvaro Araujo Pinto

Synopsis: ONE of the fastest growing sectors in recent years has undoubtedly been that of WSNs. WSNs are increasingly being introduced into our daily lives. Potential fields of applications can be found, ranging from the military to home control commercially or industrially, to name a few. The increasing demand for wireless communication presents a challenge to make efficient use of the spectrum. To address this challenge, Cognitive Radio (CR) has emerged as the key technology. The nature of large, dynamic, adaptive, Cognitive Wireless Sensor Networks presents significant challenges in designing security schemes. A cognitive wireless sensor network is a special network that has many constraints and many different features compared to traditional WSNs. While security challenges have been widely tackled in traditional networks, it is a novel area in Cognitive Wireless Sensor Networks. The goal of this thesis is to improve the security in CWSN taking advantage of the new cogntive feature such as spectrum sensing, learning and collaboration.

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