PhD Student
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PhD Thesis: Methodology for Implementation of Synchronization Strategies for Wireless Sensor Networks
Francisco Tirado-Andres achieved the title of Information and Communication Technology Engineer from the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Madrid, Spain, and received the Master of Science in Engineering degree from the Royal Institute of Technology (KTH), Stockholm, Sweden, in 2010. In 2014 he received the title of Master of Science in Electronic Systems Engineering, from UPM. After that he started his PhD with the name “Methodology for Implementation of Synchronization Strategies for Wireless Sensor Networks”.
He carries out research activities in the B105 Electronic Systems Lab research group, Department Electronic Engineering, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid. Currently, he is working in research projects where his development areas are focused in synchronization of wireless sensor networks, new wireless acquisition systems for health monitoring in dynamic structures, mechatronic developments and others.
See more at:
A Methodology for Choosing Time Synchronization Strategies for Wireless IoT Networks
Tests de Funcionamiento de un Sistema de Monitorización de Estructuras
SONRISAS – Sistema modular para el desarrollo de servicios IoT
Puentes – Low cost bridge health monitoring by ambient vibration tests using wireless sensors
SETH – Sistema integral de monitorización estructural de Edificios basado en Tecnologías Holísticas